I writting here again... dont just got old memories back and go all sentimental so why not to write and say hi "HI!".
Yo bitches :D
Missed me everyone??????? i dont think so, not that many read my bloggggg ;D but care face, first it is already lame that i have a blogg, well may be a bit, but still like everyone got one, and everyone posts their bloggs freaking everywhere...... argh.... even in the public toilet it say "read my blogg, i am so desperet <3". its like dude common, thats lame ;D i am doing that just for myself, some kinda diary that i keep for myself and may be my grandchildren :D like look honeys, thats what your grandma did when she was your age :DDD

Missed me everyone??????? i dont think so, not that many read my bloggggg ;D but care face, first it is already lame that i have a blogg, well may be a bit, but still like everyone got one, and everyone posts their bloggs freaking everywhere...... argh.... even in the public toilet it say "read my blogg, i am so desperet <3". its like dude common, thats lame ;D i am doing that just for myself, some kinda diary that i keep for myself and may be my grandchildren :D like look honeys, thats what your grandma did when she was your age :DDD

Till SALU!!!! Tokio Hotel

Tokio Hotel T-shirt
Helt nytt!!!! Bara provat, dvs fel storlek :((
Har köpt den för 170 kr
Säljer för 100 kr +frakt
Strolek är S eller M. Typ S, eller liten M
60 cm lång:))
Jag bor i Stockholm så kan jag möta er där, då är frakten gratis =)
En sak till......
Aså vad är det på henes ben?? För mycket alkohol eller vadå??
not hot at alll...........
Liten catfight.....
2010-03-20 klockan 16:05

Aså nu börjar jag att tycka om om paow.... "det första jag gör när jag fyller 18 är att skaffa ett par feta pattar och feta ankläppar. Hihi.." det äe bästa som finns...........
1. Utamana inte the it look…
.. För då kan du se ut som en prostutierad.. Här har vi ett bra exempel på en tjej som har gått too far när det gäller modet, dvs bustiers, svart, glitter, silver (mm..). Ska man ha en bustier, ska den först ha kupor som passar ens bröst. Sen ska man ha någonting över, bustier är fortfarande som underkläder!!
Svar från Paow:
Oooh kissie har dissat min klädstil, men över till saken. Tänk att min STÖRSTA idol läser min blogg. Blir ju lite småstolt *ler* det första jag gör när jag fyller 18 är att skaffa ett par feta pattar och feta ankläppar. Hihi..
Nu blir det stan puss på er ! Och speciellt på min idol kissie <3<3<3<3

Aså nu börjar jag att tycka om om paow.... "det första jag gör när jag fyller 18 är att skaffa ett par feta pattar och feta ankläppar. Hihi.." det äe bästa som finns...........
Nightie, nightie
Nightie, nightie me and everyone else..... Can't believe that Sportlov is over, and tomorow at 8.30 i have to be at school:(( well at least i am going to get a new haircut tomorow :P yei for me...
nightie, nightie

nightie, nightie

Hello Kitty underwear for.....

guys.... LOL LOL LOL
Not bad.....
God cant stop laughing.....
Hi, hey, helloooo
Hey folks :PP
oops, havent been writting here yesterday.... well i had sooo many things to do, it was " cinderella time 2", so yea kinda couldnt be bothered.... and after well had some kind of life or smt,,, anyway yesterday i saw this super duper good, cool, amazing, funny movie!! Valentine's Day!! I know, i know it was a bit late, but better later then never.
I am so in love with this movie, even if i paid 100; for it..... there were no shirtless Tyler(s) Lautner(s), but there were some other guys, who in the of the movie turned out to BE gay!! so not fair....
oops, havent been writting here yesterday.... well i had sooo many things to do, it was " cinderella time 2", so yea kinda couldnt be bothered.... and after well had some kind of life or smt,,, anyway yesterday i saw this super duper good, cool, amazing, funny movie!! Valentine's Day!! I know, i know it was a bit late, but better later then never.
I am so in love with this movie, even if i paid 100; for it..... there were no shirtless Tyler(s) Lautner(s), but there were some other guys, who in the of the movie turned out to BE gay!! so not fair....

Perfect guy
Det är viktigt att hitta en kille som alltid
ställer upp för dig.
Det är viktigt att hitta en kille som får dig
att skratta när du är deppad.
Det är viktigt att hitta en kille som är
pålitlig och inte ljuger.
Det är viktigt att hitta en kille som är bra
på att kyssas.
Det är viktigt att dessa fyra killar aldrig
Cathy Hopkins
Isnt that perfect???
so i cleaned up all apartment, and I just can say, that this is what i like to do in my free time., not....
i really felt like cinderella or smt, like cleaning, cleaning and more cleaning!!!

it was like excuse me, where is my Prince Charming on.... of course not some white horse, it would be way better on white.....em....

mercedes.... :PP
i really felt like cinderella or smt, like cleaning, cleaning and more cleaning!!!

it was like excuse me, where is my Prince Charming on.... of course not some white horse, it would be way better on white.....em....

mercedes.... :PP
Good morning!!! Did you look outside??? Its so sunny :PP I think i'll put my bikini on and some sun cream, and go outside to catch some tan :PPP LOL

Hej hej
Hello cutties!!!
Ok, so i had a lesson and it went totally awesome!!! and like before it and since then i was in a such amazing mood. Even if I was standing in this train with lots of people, just let me tell its not exactly what i like to do for fun....em no thanks... so it took me like way longer then it usually does.... god bless SL and all it trains :))
but you know it was snowing, wow what a surprise, but it was so cool!!!

Looked like this ...... well almost!!! but still!!
write more later....
I know I love me........
Ok, so i had a lesson and it went totally awesome!!! and like before it and since then i was in a such amazing mood. Even if I was standing in this train with lots of people, just let me tell its not exactly what i like to do for fun....em no thanks... so it took me like way longer then it usually does.... god bless SL and all it trains :))
but you know it was snowing, wow what a surprise, but it was so cool!!!
Looked like this ...... well almost!!! but still!!
write more later....
I know I love me........
I will never say no to ....
Chocolate!!!!!!!!!!!!! I am totally in love with it.... nom, nom...

Eeeee..... I am so, so drooling!!!!

Eeeee..... I am so, so drooling!!!!
Weirdo dreams :((
Ok, so this night i had totally weirdo dreams... Its like "say whaaaaat???".

P.S. I really wanna have this eyecolor...;)) I soooo wish:PP

P.S. I really wanna have this eyecolor...;)) I soooo wish:PP
Morning everyone :))
Morning everyone!!!!

From Nature.....
Feels actually really fresh or smt with this pictures....I dont know....

Feels actually really fresh or smt with this pictures....I dont know....
I wanna summer!!!!

I am sooooo tired of winter, it like hello its spring now, but its still snow outside!!!!! It doesnt seems that weather knows its sping already....its like daaaa....
A bit of emo now...
I am a bit of emo right now... Like "I am ending my life...", kidding....
Like this:

Anyway, i just finely finished my swedish assigment!!!! Congrats me!!! Took me like all day, but hey i wrote like 2 and smt pages, so not that bad. But if I am not going to get at least VG, I er..... Was going to say suicide, but i love myself tooooo much, so I can do it to someone else :PP Just kidding, but you never know......Mwhaha, evil laugh...
Like this:

Anyway, i just finely finished my swedish assigment!!!! Congrats me!!! Took me like all day, but hey i wrote like 2 and smt pages, so not that bad. But if I am not going to get at least VG, I er..... Was going to say suicide, but i love myself tooooo much, so I can do it to someone else :PP Just kidding, but you never know......Mwhaha, evil laugh...
Really? Me too!
Ok so i got this newspaper "Mitt i Täby" and looked and at "Träffen". Look what i got:
Män söker män
Ungdomlig 68-årlig vill träffa en man i samma ålder som jag själv, gärna en smula feminin
Its like granpa how could you??? No, no, no.
Or this one from Man söker Kvinnor:
Stilig gentleman med ryggproblem söker en trevlig kvinna som kan massage.
Its like "Say what??!!!" You wanna have a girlfriend or "THE girlfriend"???? It seems he wants smt else, host host....
Män söker män
Ungdomlig 68-årlig vill träffa en man i samma ålder som jag själv, gärna en smula feminin
Its like granpa how could you??? No, no, no.
Or this one from Man söker Kvinnor:
Stilig gentleman med ryggproblem söker en trevlig kvinna som kan massage.
Its like "Say what??!!!" You wanna have a girlfriend or "THE girlfriend"???? It seems he wants smt else, host host....
And btw....